Thursday 18 March 2010

Lists, lists & more lists!

Jeeeeez, I thought we pretty much had it sussed and didn't have much to sort now for the big move... BIG mistake! I sat down today and wrote a list of all the things we needed to get, needed to do and needed to book, 3 A4 sides worth, sheesh.

Obtaining original certs, work refs, finalising bills/direct debits, booking removal company, shipping the cat, sorting insurance, inland revenue P-thingy forms, booking hotels in the U.S, car hire, extra luggage allowance, selling stuff on ebay, customs paperwork, sending passports for visas, sorting leaving party (still waiting for brother and best friends to step in and take this responsibility, any takers?) to name a few - I'm knackered just thinking of it all!

It then dawned on me we have just 13 weeks in which to tick everything off from my 'Monica' stylee list, I best get my behind in gear. I have my super-organised tidy mum and super-efficient army dad to thank for my really rather fabulous organisational skills so I'm not going to stress too much.
Franny on the other hand is as laid-back as they come and actually laughed out loud and looked at me with a 'ah bless' look when I produced said list.
I will attempt to delegate some tasks out to my practically horizontal husband but patience and organisation have never been Franny's strong points... he's more blessed in the motivation, comical and common sense department, oh and his maths isn't too shabby either.

So I think between us we will make a pretty darn good team in organising and packing our lives into cardboard boxes and suitcases and flying them 12,000 miles to the other side of the world... wish us luck, we will need it :)

Sunday 14 March 2010


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